Old man, one who has a good mind. He has used his walks into the pot to help people who need help from him. But when the old man died. Every property is the only son of his father's properties without in all respects. When his father died, then Many were angry old man son who throw just one pot, he has denied every. People who request assistance.The first person who came asking for help, it is the old woman. She is the niece of the wart disease severity. After the old woman, and then extrude closed the door. He heard a strange sound in the kitchen and when it was found that the owner, it has bidamop a pot filled with hutngok released.The next person who came asking for help from him, he is a old man. He and La very hungry by now, son, it has closed the door, an old man who chased away again as well, and the pot began to shout like a donkey.This event occurs until his patience to his neighbors to patrol to help them and when the problems of each end is missing. Symptoms of pots, it better to follow the Lord until eventually the slippers appear in the pot again. Slippers at the foot of the pot has been saturating the entire pot with son and went out of sight along with the dusk light.
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