Lam a croquette n Python means putting things cylinder wood and burn ให้สุ. Lam means rice in bamboo Then the fire cooked, python
.A method of cooking, or cooking, such as burn the fish without the use of a food container has since ancient times of the Thais. The ancient people will use the bamboo cylinder in rice
.With the rice can be characterized as a cylinder. Connected with a bamboo makes a beautiful shape, and the fragrance of bamboo, but nowadays, the Thai people we are taken orally as sweets
.Sweet mix is sticky rice, coconut milk, or put a black eyed peas and popular cooking dress and taste a variety, such as bean salted egg. Frustration, taro, coconut, etc. to put
.In the meat in bamboo to taste delicious tea. According to the needs of the consumers. The current production of diamonds sold vastly popular and famous do in many community based on a career, ชนจน
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