Thamo-station shops. 1. three people before 6: 00 p.m. are free, advanced 1.25-khok. 2. date born exceeding 5 people having birthdays owners free of charge. 3. come 6 pay 5
Thamo-station shops.1. three people before 6: 00 p.m. are free, advanced 1.25-khok.2. date born exceeding 5 people having birthdays owners free of charge.3. come 6 pay 5
Shops Thamo-station. 1. Three people before 6: 00 PM are free, Advanced-Khok 01/25. 2. Born date exceeding 5 people free of charge Having Birthdays owners. 3. come 6 pay 5
Thamo-station shops. 1. Three people before 6: 00 p.m. Are, free advanced 1.25-khok. 2. Date born exceeding 5 people having. Birthdays owners free of charge. 3. Come 6 pay 5.