Potato head is the best collection of food and is best used in reproduction in the potato head with axes in the Middle approach to every eye. Around the axis, they take ren Kai (parenchyma), which contains the accumulated starch is next to take the cross came out as rain WA school holiday ring (vascularring) contains a Cambium (cambium) and khothek (cortex), which are the cells that cause the red, pink, violet, based on its surface. Each guava cultivars The skin of the potatoes (periderm), thick 6-10 floors consisting of Cork (cork) and the Tsu mainly boerin (suberin) is a substance for which there are Su boerin similar components of fat. The plate that protects the eyes that is caused by cell phionokrop potatoes potato head with ventilation holes (lenticel) Len Te ventilation will enlarge when you get moisture. When the potato head surgery and be stored in a suitable wax-like substance, it creates it or sue boerin. A new wound to prevent rotten potato head when digging up or have not yet been excavated. If you let the sunlight for a skin head will become green and purple, some varieties are made because of the reaction of chlorophyll.Potato varieties Popular potatoes grown in the North of the country, there are many varieties of Thailand. 1. the native species is a species which they various hill tribes, and China Hong were the local Fang district, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, according to a popular planting in mountain view. This species is widely understood, that for a long time, which the North called "Lu" (a word that residents call the potatoes). This species is smaller than a foreign breeder. It looks somewhat oval long oval?? the white meat medium axis yellow. Bark Brown or brown shell thickness When the meat is crispy, slightly larger stems the khuen and the Sub is larger than the amount of the foreign species is clearly. A species of flooring market. The city under foreign varieties This species planted in the rainy season starts in May and begin planting, digging, storing the head in August or early September. The head of it in this version of plant breeding in winter. But most often, it will be sent out to the market. To the consumer, because in the rainy season there is less volume in the potato market, and expensive. Best varieties for planting in winter nationals, he has kept himself. Foreign species Species that were planted and productive House is vegetarian (Bintje) bin this species as a species comes from a breed of hybrid between the species of Netherlands is Munstersen and it is a popular species planted Fransen common in northern province, but currently less planting. Characteristics and species identification are oval shell color is quite thin and white. Meat in a somewhat yellow. The meat tastes better grown head Concierge, ruan is 6 inches long, about 3 inches in diameter, the size in General from 2-4 inches, head of the breeding is small. This durable species to drought and disease resistant, but do not have the disease (blight) and wot baila (wart) is a species of relatively light from planting to harvest is about 110 species of day this must be ordered from bin j country Netherlands. Both varieties every year by the warehouse. Department of internal trade, Ministry of Commerce, who added that the number of farmers want. After you have added the forward limit, Chiang Mai. Make each farmer supplier orders. The order defines the potatoes to the port of Bangkok in the mid of the month or the end of September. Therefore, farmers will start planting year. Since October. It is planted in the winter varieties, only a single season. If that is going to be planted by the head. Foreign species are grown in popularity is maturation of polymer prices (Mirka), sapan (Spunta) and Donatien (Donata) because of these three species, higher output bin species j. Polymer prices a breed of species somewhat light, planting to harvesting age of about 110-120 days for high output head yaori. The shallow eyes. Beef in a light yellow to yellow. There are a lot, and the ability to resist drought. Do not burn leaves, but disease resistance disease resistance a good roll and viral disease wot easily. This species is taken from the country of WA-Lo Sheri kot. Sapan is a breed of purebred high-yield somewhat light, large and long heads. The shallow eyes. Beef in a light yellow a lot Resistance to drought. Disease resistant leaves burn some simple rolls but is the resistance against virus and disease wot. The meat when cooked, and is also consistent with the body in color. This species is taken from the Netherlands. Donatien (Donata) species is a species which is quite hard to cultivate, harvest age approximately 130-140 days, this species is a hybrid species, which is caused by a mixture of varieties. Package Terminal san Victoria (Victoria Patersons) and blue Don (Don Blue), rapidly growing. The trunk is quite large and strong, the leaves are light green with a large head and a head the size of a regular style oval head light yellow skin, smooth skin. Shallow eyes. Body in white, is the disease sakhaep disease, burns and wot (scab) is quite simple, but the disease resistant coil well. This species is taken from the Scottish nation.พันธุ์เคนนีเบค (Kennebec) เป็นพันธุ์ดั้งเดิมของสหรัฐอเมริกา แต่ปัจจุบันนำไปขยายและผลิตหัวพันธุ์ในหลายประเทศ เช่น แคนนาดา เนเธอร์แลนด์ สก็อตแลนด์ และออสเตรเลีย นำเข้ามาปลูกในประเทศไทยครั้งแรกเมื่อ พ.ศ. 2521 ใบใหญ่ พุ่มหนา หัวกลมรี ทรงรูปไข่ ตาตื้น ผิวสีเหลืองอ่อนเรียบ เนื้อสีขาว ทนแล้งได้ดีเป็นพันธุ์สำหรับแปรรูปเป็นมันทอดแผ่นบาง (potato chips) ปัจจุบันโรงงานแปรรูปนำเข้าพันธุ์เคนนีเบคและส่งเสริมให้เกษตรกรปลูกเพื่อส่งโรงงานแปรรูปอายุเก็บเกี่ยว 100-120 วัน พันธุ์แอตแลนติก (Atlantic) มีถิ่นกำเนิดในสหรัฐอเมริกา เป็นพันธุ์ค่อนข้างเบาอายุเก็บเกี่ยว 100-120 วัน ลักษณะหัวกลมขนาดปานกลาง ผิวสีเหลือง เนื้อสีขาวครีม เป็นพันธุ์มันฝรั่งแปรรูปที่เริ่มทดลองส่งเสริมให้เกษตรกรปลูกใน พ.ศ. 2534-2535 โดยบริษัทสยามสแน็ก จำกัด
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