How to play table tennis.But in the difficulty it would be useful for the same players, because it is a sport that requires the use of all parts of the body, all of which share the parts that must be used with.1. the eyesYour eyes will need to stare at the ball all the time, but keeping the ball alone is not enough because it will also have to stare and observe your opponent's head that hit the ball any way out of the rotation.2. the brainTable tennis is a sport that requires the brain to think very much because they will have to think all the time, including the need to plan the play.3. the tool.Tool handles, wooden table tennis must be agile and nimble feel it must include a ping pong ball touch the crossbow.4. the wrist.In some styles require wrist support, so the ball will spin even more.5. arm.There must be a Lieutenant General and have patience in training must rehearse a repeat and repeat again.6. the body To hit ping-pong balls in some rhythm in the body must be used.7. the thighs.Of course, when the sport of table tennis is a sport that has a high speed and strong thighs, so prepare to moving all the time.8. kneeNeed to minimize knee movement to prepare it. 9. the foot.Want ping pong ball into the mobile at any time. If the foot is not moving toward a ping pong ball, it would not have hit the ping pong ball by FT and is not up to.
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