The name herbs: garlic
scientific name: Allium sativum L.
family: Alliaceae
common name: Common Garlic Allium Garlic,,, Other Titles:
, garlic (central) off (North) หอมขาว (East), artificial off (Southern)
. General characteristics:An annual crop with the head of the earth. Each head contains about 4-15 petals overlapping petals. Some species have only one petal, called "garlic" each petal has a thin membrane สีขาวอม pink outer cover is round.The leaves are flat leaf tip pointed look long narrow leaves cover โคนมี overlap, a bouquet of flowers, white stick กระจุกที่ late stems garlic smell pungent. Spicy no bush, high 2-4 meters. Young branches spiny leaves a small blade type one ticket.Oval oval or elliptical scams parallel edges 3-5 cm wide4-8 cm long flesh leaves oil distribution point stem fin small, single flower or inflorescence at the end กิ่งและ that axillary flowers, white, fragrant fall easily. The result is a fresh, smooth, round juicy
propertiesEating garlic, either fresh or dried regularly can prevent stroke, and heart muscle ใจห disengaged acute reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. High blood pressure, and the sugar content in the blood.It also can prevent colds, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diphtheria, ty foil malaria, throat inflammation และอหิวาตกโรค. How to use garlic to
Chemical composition and nutritive value
.Compounds that garlic has a pungent aroma, spicy enzyme Ali dehydrogenase () is Allinase change of organic sulfur Alliin. (Alliin) as essential oil allicin (Allicin).(Garlic oil) also contains nutrients, water, fatty acid, protein, carbohydrate, sugars, amino acids, iron, calcium, vitamin and vitamin C, vitamin 2 1 Etc
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