Career means activities work, entrepreneurship is not blame to the society and มีรายได้ตอบแทน based on labor, knowledge, skills and equipment. Tools, methods, different.According to the characteristics of occupational group. 2 style is independent and professional gigolo.1. Freelance refers to all types of operators perform professional self.Solely or in groups. Freelance is a profession that does not require a lot of people. But if necessary may employ others to work. The owner, as investors and distribution. Think and decide on their own everything. Which help to develop careers. As fast as per the events, employed as food selling groceries, ซ่อมรถจักรยานยนต์ etc in self-employment. Entrepreneurs must have the knowledge and ability of administration such as marketing, location, capital verification and evaluation. Etc. also have to have patience to hard work, not ถ้อถอย. Problems happened, initiative, creative and visual operation. The self through.2. A mercenary means career with others owned business by yourself as a mercenary. Work and get paid a wage. Or salary, mercenary, composed of individuals 2 parties, which has agreed that employ, individuals and แรกเรียกว่า "employer" or the employer.The individual parties after called "employee" or mercenary. Return values that the employer must pay to the contractor called the "wages".The sub-contract. Generally characterized as mercenaries in place, or a contract for assembly plant in the sales workers. By getting the answer, instead of a salary or compensation based on the work that do. Wage rate depends on the formulation.The owner of the establishment or the employer to do work contractors within the factory. By the time the employer; The sub-contract in this manner, the advantages are not at risk. With the investment, because employees use tools. Device that employers provided do.
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