Sometimes people do not want what is best in life or love someone. .. but we desire to love somebody ... who sincerely they love us sincere. .. you let me look at things around. In life ... don't love anyone ... absolutely blind, like the past. That guy has known and loved me in the real world, and you say, I have come across someone wishes ... all the best ... I just wanted to let you know that I do not want to find the perfect person ... because I was not the perfect woman or, at best, ... but last night I was probably too tired to explain. .. because the other editor of the world .. you stressed and regret at hearing me say that, please don't worry about me ... because I'm not the man in your life.The other side of the world. I sing, and can't sleep. .. to stop the time ... ning may make two people understand their own hearts ...The vast majority of human beings. When do you like or love someone deeply? They are different desires, he or she loves, or the like, have the same feel. It may be a comment that looks selfish but that's a fact of life. I love you, love you, warm your heart from the attention that you have given me throughout this period of 5 months. I speak to you with honesty, I've never done this with anyone before in my life. You are the first person I fall in deep love. From the discussion in the world of communications (which I do not like this approach as well) and the day goes by, I have this feeling with you. I do not know the God of you and me. You are testing something;Please explore to your hearts. If you do not want to develop a relationship with me, or you never thought that I will know in the real world, or to just talk to a smooth regime. There are no destinations. Please stop the repeated words that make me have to hurt ... because I'd be looking forward to see you in the real world, but you never think that it will come to me, please consider that I am supposed to hurt? Waiting for you to think about it, I know very thonma nachit treats.I apologize for the emotionally sensitive, and there are some words that make you regret.
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