Today uncle thud tennis play story the protagonist of the story? This title is cinderella story is that once upon a time...The little girl pretty neat, manners, one named Cinderella cinder เรลล่า lives with his stepmother, every day early in the morning to night. The stepmother to Cinderella sweeping, mopping, draw water, cooking, laundry.Which was the son of a stepmother is nothing day, but make up one day there หารมา palace. A resounding announcement City
.The prince to choose spouse
please try, please try กระจองงอง madam.
tonight, auspicious beautiful good guard
invited the women dance La
.Two buoy swagger, sister Intend to go to the palace to the son of a blind date. The stepmother no Cinderella go out...Because I am afraid that Cinderella will enter into the king's palace. Two sister arranged make up hair, clothing, evening gowns, rotate right turn left. Then they mock Cinderella. It took my sister and stepmother and 2 people into the palace.While sweeping, mopping, that suddenly the wind dropped as soon as the wind blows a sudden stop, it is "angel" body beautiful woman elegant scepter of twinkling stars shining in the mobile appearance. With compassion and helping angel
.Angel, to crush, Pingping
a series, princess, Cinderella
Pingping magical glass shoes
Pingping SEK. A pumpkin carriage.
Pingping SEK rat tail
.As a soldier, handsome ride, the carriage, when everything like magic. Cinderella fairy said "please remember that you have to go home before midnight. Otherwise everything will switch back again ". Cinderella said thank you, angel.The carriage took Cinderella to the palace, when to move into the job. All bewilder bemused in beauty of Cinderella
.The prince was stunned speechless. Still
beautiful like a princess is beautiful like a angel
walked straight curve for dance
.Other young, saccular dilatation jealous, jealous of Cinderella danced with the prince until the clock strikes midnight, the time Hurried hand-flapping from the prince immediately. It runs down the stairs to get on a horse.The prince ran behind. Only see no glass was to announce that job. If anyone wearing shoes ข้างนี้. Appointed as the queen immediately. The whole city was come, because want to be the wife of his son."Did not enter." you take my sister, both 2 to try, but it did not enter the same as sister ทั้งสองกำลัง try it!The soldiers saw after Weiwei
try try? Cinderella
people stare big eyes, small eyes
wear. Yes, madam
Prince happy greatly
found women Honey, Cinderella
a married a famous
both city. But then find out.
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