How to arrange the teaching
teaching in higher education. The instructor needs to develop the instructional management to help develop the potential of students to the limit as learners can develop
.In addition, the supporting fabric can develop naturally and full potential!Teaching in higher education, there are many ways. There is no best way good method that will depend on the situation, the subject of teaching, the students. SoHow to teach it in one lesson teaching hours hours or one may use many teaching methods, then, depending on the contents to teach. The instructor should question asking self
1. Teach why is the teacher must know the purpose of teaching to teach to why students
ได้ anything as to provide skills in sales in department stores. Once you know the purpose. Teachers
.It's necessary to arrange learning experience And activities in accordance with the purpose 2
.Teaching is teachers should know the students that have basic how mettle nature. To try to adapt to the students' learning, such as learners as a teenager นั่งอยู่เฉยๆ.Such a group discussion or Quiz Competition or game play!3. What to teach, the teacher must know the contents to be taught that covers topics directly to any
placed or curriculum and students should learn. The idea or skills from any lessons that
4.How is the preparation of teaching methods, with regard to the recipient as the core. The contents of some
need to lecture, such as giving the main knowledge or theory, but some contents for คัญๆ
.Need to practice thinking and decision making. Which should use the discussion or studying the subgroup. The selection method that
refer to timing in accordance with the lessons and the selection of audio visual equipment for studying 5 too
.Teach what preparation plan to estimate that teach. The students in the teaching of behavior change
higher instructors should prepare lesson plans based on the following 1
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