School of moral guidelines.5. the project will also provide schools and vocational schools, ethics. Both the Government and the private sector who are voluntary to join this project. Sign up to join the project.6. the school will use the guidelines of ethics at Shijiazhuang pendant. Country Taiwan The various processes, all matters coming to perform in college with an emphasis on the processes that create, Director. Teachers and students are good people.7. the participant does not need to be Buddhist.8. the Ministry of education and the Government is encouraging all moral authority: authority.4.1 virtue school.4.2 occupational ethics4.3 University moral4.4 hospital ethics4.5 the company integrityWhat to bring to College:2. the College management team meeting. Teachers, students and personnel to find a way that the integrity of the College that you want to create, in our College, what is with these steps.1. understand all concerned sections in college so they understand and accept the notion that is being changed in a better direction in the creation of moral education to vocational education.2. mobilization of opinion from all sectors to find moral guidelines of the College that you want to create. Each approximately 3 stories like honest College responsible for the volunteer, etc.3. apply the ethics that we set up changes, as all sectors, all practice management. Student teacher.4. the annual College meeting to publish the guidelines in the creation of a school of virtue, as we defined in 1.2 and 1.3, all sectors have been recognized both within and outside the.5. performance evaluation system See behavior that is changed. In all sectors, with estimates of at least 1 month at a time.6. a summary of knowledge as innovation of the College to establish the Institute as a moral authority.Most colleges that participate in the project will receive.1. the College made a clearly visible to get elected as a master Chong's vocational school moral.2. the College can provide external publicity, has acknowledged that the College is participating in the project, school of virtue, which is already a good thing.3. in the criteria to evaluate both inside and outside, there will be a basis for ethics in education, so if this is already in College, you can pass the assessment.4. keep all parts of the College are working using the principals come and work to make it work better, teachers do it with honesty and responsibility in their duties. As a result, college students are children's production integrity. The establishment accepts
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