เดบกลับบ้านช้าเพราะรถโดนขโมยเขารู้สึกตกใจเพราะเขาป้องกันไว้อย่างดี Debi returned home late because the car gets stolen, he was shocked because he was protected well.
De land stolen car back home because of his slow feeling panic he protected well Debi because the car returned home late gets stolen, he was shocked because he was well protected.
Debi returned home late because the car gets stolen, he was shocked because he was well protected. Debi Gets Stolen Car Returned Home The Late Because, Because He was He was shocked Well Protected.
Deb late because the car was stolen, he felt scared because he protected well Debi returned home late because the car, gets stolen. He was shocked because he was protected well.