The benefits of "salad" paste
.Special menus named salad, which comprises all the fruits and vegetables, salad dressing. They then useful to different. Some kind of high energy. Some kind of Gara tissues. Some species also provides protection against wear of an organ in the body.
.Eating salad will help in terms of weight control, but also help to maintain a healthy body energy also reduce the risk of cancer in the lung. Now we can be adapted to the salad with vegetables.5 group by adding among rice, flour, including corn, boiled potatoes, bread and macaroni. Among proteins, including breast tear, shrimp, eggs and Nuts, the fat from the dressing and the vegetables such as spinach, carrot, tomato, pumpkin, the delicious cabbage lettuce.As we look at each other. How to be a hero that vegetables help preserve our health a
."Vegetables" is the main component of the shortcut to carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Comes to nutrients and energy in its entirety. Should choose to eat vegetables provide a wide variety of types as small to mingle and dark green vegetables.Orange and red, etc., because each kind of vegetables is the proportion of vitamins are not equal. We call the substance color in vegetables that carotene
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