Euler was a mathematician and physicist, Swiss. He was named as one of the greatest mathematicians ever. Born on 15 April 1707 in Basel Switzerland. He is a child who is a mathematical genius. And studied mathematics with Johann Bernoulli. He received his undergraduate degree at the age of 16 years and a master's degree in philosophy at the age of 18 years he worked on mathematical research. In the year 1727 he was appointed head of the Department of Mathematics at St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (Russia), which is established by. Tsar Peter the Great 14 Years Later, he was director of the Prussian Academy at the invitation of the Embassy of the Emperor Frederick the Great, Rick. He worked in this position for 25 years before returning to St. Petersburg, and lived there until his death on September 18, 1783, aged 76 years Leonhard Euler was the first to use the term "function. "(according to the definition of Leibniz in 1694) to describe their relationship with variables such as y = F (x), he was also named as one of the first to apply calculus to physics Leon. Hard Euler was a mathematician whose work many, one. He compiled a portfolio of up to 75 copies of his works have greatly influenced the mathematical works in the 18th century, he had lost vision and blindness throughout the last 17 years of his life. It was during this period that he can produce up to half of his total contributions.
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