Preparation of thematic: the purpose of this study is to design and develop the packaging for products, a practice ASEAN food from resin and clay. Design and development of structure composed of packaging graphics on the packaging.Since the goods are no packaging that protect the goods from damage from transportation, no graphic packaging to attract attention and a promotion. By choosing the product model to do the design of 10 ASEAN food.ASEAN, Thai food modelVietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Burmese, Cambodian, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Products which are popular among consumers. And the lack of packaging to prevent or attract
.The sample used in the thematic this time. The researcher selected sample in testing structural packaging graphics on the packaging, as well as the shelves were 2 group. Is
.The 1 used in the study on basic data before the design and development of product packaging for food model community. Including the tourist group the Chatuchak weekend market.100 people
.The 2 by request in favor of expert opinions in โครงสร้างบรรจุภัณฑ์ test. The graphics on the packaging and the shelves at the point of sale. The 3 you
.The results indicated that Graphic design on the packaging box model for ASEAN food dish (9 country) were 3. Experts to select a 1 28 points. And graphics on the packaging box model for food, 6 plate.The 3. Experts select the style 2 has 26 points. Due due to Can prevent goods deteriorate well broken or damaged, are suitable for a souvenir? The packaging is beautiful.Suitable for the products. And the graphics on the packaging for total units both 10 the 3. Experts select the style 1 ได้27 rate, because product suits most. Can, because use graphics.Because the box unit graphics should not be much
.Packaging box structure for a plate of food model of ASEAN (9 country) were a 3 experts select the style 1 has 28 points. Packaging box structure for model food, 6 plate (Brunei) and 3.2 has 26 rate and structure of packaging for total units both 10 the 3. Experts choose a 1 has 27 points. Because it can prevent the goods deteriorate well broken or damaged.A unique and suitable for the product. The design of the brand for the product model, ASEAN, the food 3. Experts select the style 1 has 22 points. Because the product suits most.And a unique feature. Structure design for products and shelves food model, ASEAN, the 3 design experts select the style 2 has 22 rate, because product suits most.
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