Casting beautiful kids.One House is located 4 km away from Office after only a few minutes you can have the kids ask, "are we near there?" and every time they see that House. They say, "Oh, is it?", but it's not, then they came to the Hill and there is white. There is a garden, fruit trees are green and numerous. Mom says, "we are here". Everybody, so hurry down the carriages include Robert apps nathia Jane Cyril Martha and women's with little kids, but she did not hurry down from carriages. The children ran around the House and garden to see if anyone was there, but it is, however, still standing and watching people driving the horse as he was holding the box into the House.Kids love this House They know that they're going to be happy there. But mom didn't like this much because it is old, and there is no closet but it was deep in the countryside, after that 2 years old kids think that London is a city of magic. If you are in London and family poverty, you are tired because you cannot go shopping and go to the theater. People say, ' don't do this, don't go there! " You can go anywhere and do things in the rural areas.The White House is situated on a hill. There is a forest behind the House, and have next to the bokruat House. It activates the pit gravel children found one goddess, when this past week, which is what is being referred to by the name of it but it is not like the other element goddess goddess.It occurs when a mother wants to go live with Grandma sick. Martha is with the kids, but very quiet and empty home. Kids just don't know what to do, then the virtues of saying, "Let's go to a gravel pit."There are gravel pits very large grass and wild flowers side nearby the pond. When they go there. They decided to go down in the pond to play sand.Robert says "help each other to dig a hole, deep, a little bit. Maybe we can find a way to go to Australia. "Others agree, and they all began to excavate sand., but it's a hot date. A little boy asleep to Robert Cyril and Jane sit. The hole is being dug nathia.Suddenly, she cried to fire up that Cyril! Come here! Hurry up! There are some things that are alive.Everyone jump up and rushed to see what it is.App has said that "it's nathia individual hairs don't do a hundred. I know it activates, but it's nonsense, say something. "Of doing that, "it said."It said, "you leave me lonely."So the other person laugh? But the two boys began to leave the sand people. Suddenly, they see something moving is in the hole.Suddenly it has vocals come out. "You leave me alone."They all jump back and no one spoke at all in that time, then Robert tachueng said, "but we want to see you."Nathia app say "Yes I want you to come out."With that speech, "o. If it is your requirement, "and began to sand up, then there is something Brown and soft fur and fat body fell into the hole, it said," I think I'm sleepy. "They stood looking at it, it seems very strange, it can animate it in and out. It has large eyes. That, and the fur around it. Leg and arm it with soft wool, and hand and foot.Jane asked, "what is it?", "we will take it back home?"It comes at her, it's saying, "she always says what ridiculous?"Nathia app said does not mean that the "" do not be afraid go we will not hurt you. " It's singing "killing me" it's a little angry, "I'm not afraid of you!"Speaking softly, nathia app that "not angry" to "tell us who you are." We really don't know.It says "you do not know or" unknown repair knives or when you see it. "Jane asked that "Sam knife?", "?""Yes goddess goddess of your sand sand?" when you see it. "Jane says it looks awfully sad Yes! "Now I can see the sand goddess".Robert says ". I don't know where you are, but I can see you, knife, Sam is a marvel, please speak with us overboard. "SHAZAM knife seems to have a little bit of happiness when it heard. It says, "you can talk to me. If you want to speak, perhaps I will answer you, and perhaps I will not answer you. Now, to say something. "For the first few episodes, the children can't think on things to say then, Roberts asked, "are you here long."SHAZAM knife replied: "Oh, thousands of years ago."Children, but wait, but repairs to the knife it.Robert says, "Please tell us again."Sam, a knife, saying, "OK," "there are many issues that will say" it's walk leading to "the people sent their children out to find the repair and when children find us we will bless them one."Roberts asked, "what happened to Sam at many knives.""Well, if they get wet, they get wet and often die, and what then happens most of the time they get wet and die, and I will not tell you the story."Robert says, "o then ask another question" and you will bless you, now? "Sam, a knife, saying, "you have messages" "porn 1 you would like to meet me, and I are here today."Nathia app beg "o another text.""OK, but hurry! I'm fed up with you!It's very hard to think of something nice greeting twice. From the speech of her greeting nathia and Jane's. She knew the boys won't like this, but it's better than nothing at all.She said, "I want us all pretty."แซมมีดจึงดึงตาที่ยาวของมันออกมา มันตัวใหญ่และอ้วนและเด็กๆก็รอดู จากนั้นมันพูดว่า “ฉันขอโทษ” ฉันไม่ได้ทำแบบนี้มานานแล้ว ฉันจะลองทำอีกครั้ง แต่ฉันสามารถให้คำอวยพร 1 คำอวยพรต่อ 1 วันสำหรับคุณ คุณเห็นด้วยกับสิ่งนี้ไหมเด้กๆจึงร้องว่า “ใช่ โอใช่เลย”แซมมีดจึงพูดว่า “แต่จงจำว่าคำอวยพรจะใช้ได้ภายในหนึ่งวันเท่านั้น” “เมื่อดวงอาทิตย์ตก ทุกๆสิ่งก็จะกลับมาเป็นเหมือนเดิม”แซมมีดมีตัวที่ใหญ่ขึ้นมาช้าๆ ทันใดนั้นตัวก็กลับมาเล็กเหมือนเดิม มันก็พูดว่า “ถูกต้อง” ครั้งหนึ่งมันจะกลับมาและกลับไปที่ก้นของหลุมทรายเด็กๆได้ยืนอยู่ที่นั่นเป็นครั้งที่สอง จากนั้นแอนเธียได้กลับไปพูดกับคนอื่นๆอี
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