The 7-day PARs (Figure 2) were higher for VC difference between VC and placebo groups at
than for placebo at all assessment. Points but visit, the baseline, 2 and week, week12. Table 2 shows
differences in abstinence rate between the 2 the percentages. Of subjects who reported adverse
groups were not significantly different. The odds events during the treatment, period. There were
.Ratios of the PAR at week 8 12 16,,, no 24 significant differences in adverse events
demonstrated that about twice as. Many subjects between the groups except percentage of subjects
in VC were abstinent in the previous 7 days than who disliked. The taste and smell of cigarette
in the placebo. Smoke which was, significantly higher in VC
No significant difference. In the average change group.No serious adverse event was reported
of blood pressure and heart rate was observed during the treatment period. There. Were no
between the 2 groups at all clinic visits. Blood significant differences in the mean body weight
pressure and. Heart rate in each group at all clinic between VC and placebo groups at, baseline visit
visits were not significantly different. From baseline weeks 2 4,,And 12 (all P > 0.05). The mean (SD)
visit. There were no significantly different weight change from baseline visit to week 12 was.
changes in CBC FBG AST,,,,, ALT BUN and Cr in.
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