invitation letter original Appendix E (form 241011) - this document must be original and complete to complete by the endorser
. Copy of register rat of Guarantor (Personbevis) - Civic Registration from the Swedish Tax Agency
.Copy of passport of guarantor Copy - with duty seal out of Thailand
copy of passport or residence permit in Sweden of guarantor (if the guarantor does not hold the nationality of Sweden)
.Evidence of financial department of the guarantor - if the guarantor is responsible for the expenses of all the candidates. The guarantor must show evidence of financing which is sufficient to take care of the candidates throughout the พำนักอาศัย, such asProof of pay taxes, certificate of pension or bank statement 3 month etc.
.Proof of residence and contact between the applicant and sponsor (if any) - such as photos, the main base of message. Notice of the bill, which indicates the number of the guarantor.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..