Single template matters. "With eyes. One eye. I hate that mother is this like a joke on someone else's. The mother of the sales market. I avoid going to the one day sports day template I at school. I ran because Mommy friends escape the satire that "damn mom, I hate this word" eyes. One night I came down water river crying. I avoid to see tears. I hate to be single moms. I want to get rich, so study hard. I started with family stability, and has a cute puppy. But I forget it and leave the single mother. One day there is an ugly woman came home I. Children shunned. I have told my mother scold harshly I was shocked, why? Because I told the wife that child dead. Day's ngaphom to the party version of the original, so close to home, visit the old address, to remove some of there mother died. I stood with my tears. With the paper side of the image placed. "mom is not going to find again because they make it difficult. Child know? When kids are young children. Child born with one eye. And that is the mother's eye in the ball. Mae glad see the beautiful world and live a good life and be happy. "Tears I shed out without realizing it. The mother is not deformed. A person with a disability is a disability and I am in the heart of a child. The ball I do not have a chance to hear the voice of my mother even one eye. Here is a story told the story of one famous in Korea. Love, therefore, is not calculated, unqualified and sacrifice to others like a mother, I ask that all people on this earth, thou shalt take care of the mother, while the mother is still breathing. Don't misunderstand, I like blind mind.
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