The history of the sport of tennis, tennis (Tennis) There is evidence found that approximately the 18th century France with 13 countries to play the game, which is the origin of the sport of tennis, called Le Jeu Du Paume (vs. de apum) or that The Game is in English of the Palm (games of the Palm of the hand) is a sport of the elite played in the shade, using the Palm of your hand to hit the ball (sphere) You can then use the socket instead of the rack with the Palm of the hand.The words La Journee (part of la Pontoise), France ancient language means one day in sports that match will be held and the number of hours in 1 hour in 1 day is one of the criteria, so it will have a 24-game match sports in each game will have 4 points and 15 points (points in one hour intervals can be divided into four.Each 15 minutes) when the athletes playing the same score 45 points, will have to play two consecutive points, so a winner so if I play the same 45 points. Want to play another 2 points 15 and 15, which is when the total score points all together to exceed 60 (45 + 15 + 15 = 75) is OK, change the score when points only from 45 to 40:45 points: 40 points, then the next points will be 10 points (40 + 10 + 10) and if the same 50:50 points. To play the match until 2 consecutive points is the winner, so as well as play games. When the same game 11. 2. must be defeated to win consecutive games, which is over 24 games, so when reduced to 10 games, and then the same must be consecutive, so the game 2 win play for up to 24 games, but takes a very long time and therefore decrease from 24 games remaining until the remaining in the final game, 12-6, as in the current game.In the early 17th century with the creation of hundreds of court in Paris, and this is the most popular sport until the lead to make this sports gambling is prohibited in public places to play, but allowed to play in the Group and advanced society in the late 18th century, the word ane Te (Tenez) appear. Perhaps because the British try to vote based on the language of ancient France. Which the words "Montenegro, ane" meaning to play catch or so cast. Eventually become tennis (Tennis)The end of the 19th century, Le Jeu Du 16 Paume was imported into England. So the uk is involved in the development of this sport in the year 1327-1377, King Edward III has built up inside the Palace Court Hotel, Windsor and in 1414 Prince Dauphin France Hotels present gifts to Lord Henry 5-ball for this gaming use. Gift giving evidence, this time appearing in plays of the Shakespeare story, Lord Henry (Henry V) in the sector (Act) (Scene) scene 1, 2, 261-262 lines as follows: "When we have match'd our rackets to these balls,We will in France (by God's grace) play a set . . . ." After the revolution in France Le Jeu Du Paume country it lost, along with a group of nobles, but in the United Kingdom continues to play this sport in 1874 until Mr. Walter khlop Tri ton of thousands. Wing (Major Walter Clopton Wingfield) field has been adapted to play tennis, which originally comes from playing together, playing indoor and outdoor Play, meaning that called Sphairistike in Greek.Various playback devices, registered the copyright law by which consist of a wooden racket and ball poles rules to play his tennis looks to the Middle infield to give out at the end but the narrow exit. Similar mesh used for the blocking sand clock in the Middle, like 7 feet tall, mesh, badminton.In subsequent phases, the popular and play tennis together throughout the uk. Each set of own rules and regulations Mesh divider sliding it from the airport on high ground. In 1875, the Club Cricket League Mary Boone (The Marylebone Cricket Club), which is the standard of care in the Club of sports games and get support from the Club land The af ลอิง, Koto (All England Croquet Club rake, was established in the year 1868 is located in the outskirts of London, called Wimbledon.) Tries to take part in this sports and standardization of control has set up a new lawn tennis rules, which vary from thousands of Tri-wing field makes people turn to English tennis player. The tennis court has been created in 1990 and up 1877 has managed national championship tournament for the first time.What are the current tri-wing thousand of the remaining field, see playback devices that include a mesh with a name, the word "Tennis" only. In addition, it has been changed from the original, including all court. Rules for playing and scoring methods. Thousands of Tri-wing field so it is like the father of world tennis. Statue of thousands of Tri-wing field located at the Lawn Tennis Association of England.From the evidence, the majority found that Mary saved, remove the bridge terminal (Mary Outerbridge) are found to the Bermuda (Bermuda), tennis, and in the year 1874 brought the device and how to play this sport in the United States published by played Cricket and Baseball Club The Staten Islang State but New York, British historian Tom Todd has as Dr. James Dwight, is a leader of tennis came to the United States at the beginning of the same year. In fact, there is no evidence it became clear that the first person who. However, Mary Outerbridge is trying to push New York State section in tennis, Dr. James Dwight young doctor from Howard University (Harvard Medical School) is the critical role America's tennis circles and is known as the father of American tennis, (Father of U.S. Tennis) Dwight didn't work, but I learned something about the late tennis champion instructors is solo men Dick Sears, and America's first double play against Sears until the winning position in the list of U.S. Open men's doubles category.Tennis has been included in the Olympic for the first time since the Athens (1896), until its Olympic competition at Paris in 1924, after it has been cancelled and has been included in the Olympic sport again in 1988 at Seoul, Korea country.The year 1900, games to play tennis very Renshaws developed as a start up Internet page, Lawford play. Use the top spin (Topspin), Dwight Davis people think how to serve American twin Reinhardt. (American Twist), the trophy for Team USA to England during which subsequently invited other countries to join the competition, and is a list of the men's team is called the greatest Davis Cup competition (the Davis Cup).1913. with the establishment of the International Tennis Federation (in modern International Lawn Tennis Federation is called-ILTF, app.
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