This thesis has made the study and design of DC motor brush wireless by finite elements methods, with the objective to design and simulate wireless DC motor brush in the development, design, production and study of DC motor brush wireless to compare simulation results by method of finite elements of the electric motor, the tide straight brush wireless. Before we can create realistic costs. Ansys-the program is designed in the Maxwell motor, we use the method of finite elements is to use the computer to help in finding a thermal analysis on motor to reduce complexity and to facilitate troubleshooting, click.Services, the problem. Defining the properties of the materials and operating conditions and to solve problems by using the mathematical equation is a design and test out different values, we will design a DC brush motor, wireless format memory format 4 to find the magnetic field intensity of heat loss and all the performance comparison.From the design pattern memory, which has a total of 4 models to find the efficiency of the motor, then the result is the pattern slot 1 with the loss of all the 163.326 Watt performance as a percentage at 85.96 are most effective, and format the memory loss all 210.378 w performance summary percentage values 82.62 if there are losses, reduced motor efficiency.
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