Have you ever had a massage ? Yesterday I went to the Spa. I feel hurt when a massage .I told her that please massage softy but it has no effect . Today I am move slowly because bruise and pain. If you saw me today , you will laugh .
Have you ever had a massage ?Yesterday I went to the Spa. I feel hurt when a massage .I told her that please massage softy but it has no effect . Today I am move slowly because bruise and pain. If you saw me today , you will laugh .
Have You Ever had a Massage? Yesterday I Went to The Spa. I feel hurt when a massage .I told her that please massage softy but it has no effect. Today I am move slowly because bruise and pain. If you saw me today, you will laugh.
Have you ever had a massage? Yesterday I went to the Spa. I feel hurt when a massage. I told her that please massage softy. But it has no effect. Today I am move slowly because bruise and pain. If you saw, me today you will laugh.