. ")."). 3.1 marine fisheries. Trat Province, fishery, in his household, 5 household, fishing boats, number 3Twenty four ships and the marine habitat, large and small, 2 of the 3. 8 of a business continuity of fisheries, including the icehouse. 13 factory, cold storage factory 3 of world fish meal factory. 2 of factory canned crab meat. 2 of a boat dock.Of beam ship 7 of berths, both big and small. "Of information. In addition, aquatic products processing, such as folk Do paste), dried shrimp and salt fish distribution in coastal region
.. "). 3.).2) freshwater fisheries are fisheries "Trat household member 6 household output from การประมงน้ำจืด is relatively low. Compared with inland sea. The output from the river trad River welu and canals, reservoirs, various. In 2012.The 4. 4.Two tons, worth approximately 11. 6. 5 million
. "). 3.).3 as coastal aquaculture as the Trat. An area suitable to aquaculture. Because the environment is suitable, a long coastline up to 16 5 kilometers. And the water quality is good.The shrimp,Fish, shellfish, crabs, but yield and most worth more than 9 percent. From shrimp culture "(Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)). The total catch the year 2012. The 37, at 8 9. 5 9 tons, worth 4 7 47. 6 1 million)
. "). 3.).4) freshwater aquaculture. Trat province state by total area is not suitable for culturing freshwater commercial. Because most people were not commonly consumed freshwater.In addition to the fish cage culture farming to trade, which have a little. Freshwater economic importance of Trat province's alligators. Years 2012, volume number, culture. 41. 40, worth about 3 3 Thailand million
source: Bureau of Fisheries Board at the 4th January 25 56)
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