In the future I would dream it is, as engineers. The reason why I want to be a dream of engineers is a professional engineer, I think. It is an interesting profession, and to society. Engineers are clever people. Engineers do various innovation dash to involve or. Engineers will help creative, quality work. And the benefits, which is to make things work on the duties of it. Professional engineers have a duty to study, analyze, design calculations. Monitoring and control of production such as construction of buildings. The design and manufacture of automobiles to control various professional factories, mechanical engineers go to work in a place that is unique and has seen a lot of people. Professional engineers will work together as a team. Planning and carefully calculated. The career engineer is a professional with a good income. This is an honest and professional career have helped others, advising several people. Let each person Baby steps, I saw one of his brothers is the model engineer. He looked heavenly with prestige I study computer science-Math line since high school interest in learning science like calculation. Now I am studying in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and ship at Kasetsart University. SI Racha campus Have become engineers. I want to be engineers who worked on the boat. Boat design, boat repair, boat maintenance, because it currently transports most transport by boat. However, we are going to open the ASEAN. Cargo can be exported or imported by boat. The ship thus required Engineers do not sell dreams and live every day with the truth.
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