Later in the year 2556 company. Changes in shareholder structure is important, that is, when the 26 June 2556 S. h. V
เนเธอร์แลนด์ B. v. has ทำการโอน shares held in the company. Both direct and indirect, total, 154 429500 shares accounted for the proportion of the shares 64.35
issued and sold it to CP Ltd. (CP all). The
when combined with the shares of the company held by the CP all ahead of the 4 305,,600 stocks make CP all shares in the company, both direct and indirect, total number of 158, 735 100 shares. , which representing approximately 66.14 shares issued
.Distribution and now all resulting CP all have a duty to do the Preis, all of the company by shareholders is
.The company accepted the Preis all of the CP all and sell shares of the company to CP all the
76 172 375,,, Stock, resulting in a CP all is the major shareholder of the company. The proportion of shareholding percentage 97.88 shares issued and sold out all
, and on October 2556 4 company. Have registered the par value of the stock
from the original shares 10.00 baht were 240 000 000,, stock worth shares 0.50 baht. The 4 800 000,,,000 stocks.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..