5.Adolescent period (Adolescence) periodically since the age of 12 - 21 years. This age people have problems in various aspects, such as the problems of imitation, choosing a career, as well as the problems in selecting the target of life.(Propriety Striving) related to motivation on the inside, which is the center of existence. And the origin of the development of conscience (Conscience) which cause the differences between human and animal. All ports explain.Will start from children to recognize conscience. In terms of the fear of punishment (Authoritarian Conscience) from his parents would feel guilty if resisting various statutesThe feeling of conscience by faith to hear from the society. And change is a way to create standards within itself, which is considered. As a starting point to create their own statutes (Self-Generated Rules) and by the reality."Their" by working process steps together, the development of individual molded together until into the maturity is the development of things. A balanced and has the characteristics as follows:
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