Water is essential for life, all life. Whether it is a man. Small animals or animals as well as plants if dehydration would wither, dry, and Zhou died in the end. Humans require water associated with everyday life noticeably Use water for drinking Used to cook food. Use the wash dirt. Used to wash clothes. Used in heating A reduction in heat, such as in certain types of industrial factories and use air conditioning etc
In agriculture to farming, gardening, kitchen, pets must be used as an important element in the end
.Even in other industries, such as in the cooling. In steam power, great power, great to get rid of waste and wastewater, as well as to fire when the fire occurred. Water is an important element of it
.In addition, water is also recreation. For tourism, fishing and swimming, as well as the use of such fisheries as well
.Summary of water, thus influencing the well-being of human beings so much as an important element for life ranks second from oxygen. Human life when food is missing for months. 64 days to die), but if the lack of water in just 2-3 days a man could be dead as soon as this is because water is a vital role for the human body. That is,
1. cells in the human body needs water to keep the structure of the cell constant of the image, and you can work normally
2.Water as a food to feed the muscles and at the same time it is the family of waste out of the muscle, and excrete derived from the human body in the form of sweat, urine, etc
3.Water helps to strengthen and repair of muscles together allows cast khaikho body digestive AIDS blood flow throughout, they help the body
4.Help maintain and control the temperature of the body to a normal level. If it's too hot, it will be cooling off came in the form of sweat, etc
even though water is hugely beneficial to humans, but there are many possibilities ... For example,
1.In the farm community in, flood, flood roads frequently damaged households, and
2.Water is also a means of bringing diseases such as cholera (Cholera) fever fever (Typhoid fever) raksat raksat harness (Para-typhoid fever) dysentery (Dysentery) and diarrhea (Diarrhia) etc.. Which we call a disease they say the disease is caused by water as it
.Therefore, it is important to seek a clean water source. There are no toxic disease is not intended for consumer and thus cause water quality improvement system, MA or plumbing system occur. The community's current water problem Therefore, sanitary water Improving water quality both on the physics of chemistry to the raw water is supplied bakteri water to drink so much required
The sanitary water is studied through
1. the importance and necessity of water in the field of public health. The outbreak due to water is 2
media.Qualifications and standards of water use water sources. The quantity and characteristics of community water usage
3. ways to improve water quality, water supply systems, 4.
5. how to control the use of community-based sanitation water
.Major reasons that cause human illness and death are easily 3 possible reasons why is
1. diseases caused by water as a medium. (Water borne diseases)
2. diseases from food as a medium. (Food borne diseases)
3. sexually transmitted disease, it is critical that a vehicle be (Vector borne diseases)
.For this reason three The disease is caused by a water body is considered to be very important media as a cause of human health become widespread. Perhaps as a Wi-Fi capability, or to die. Especially among children. Or developing countries. This is because water contaminated with the feces of patients to. In addition, the water comes with breeding mosquitoes. These mosquitoes as a vehicle of many other diseases, such as dengue, a disease. Maleria fever and meningitis disease which destroys the human health or cause death. For a country with a number of Thai patients, the disease is caused by a specific year in water is quite high.
The definition of the disease, which is caused by water as the medium is that the disease caused by the release of water which has a mix of things. What to mix it could be 0,1 bakteri fuel. Come in a lot of water contamination. Exceeding the prescribed standard. This disease is often their disease about the entire digestive tract,
Disease caused by water as it may arise from a different cause, or as follows:
1. caused bakteri (Bacterial infection) include raksat fever (Typhoid fever) there is no dysentery (Bacillary dysentery) and cholera (Cholera) is 2
.Caused by the excluded ones (Protozoa infection), such as a type of dysentery (Amebiasis)
3. arising from the can (Virus infection) such as hepatitis (infectious hepatitis) and poliomyelitis (Poliomyelitis), etc
4.Caused by a parasitic worm (Helminth infection) such as the roundworm, the leaves in the liver (Chlornorchiasis), which have a life cycle and a carrier shell growth in water, it is a disease that comes with water. In addition, there is disease, intestinal worms leaves (Fasciolepsiasis), roundworm (Ascariasis) circle earthworms. (Trichuriasis), etc. They often occur because we eat animals that are carriers in its life-cycle waste rather than drink the water directly
3. diseases caused by toxic chemicals. (Chemical poisoning) contaminated chemicals into the water and then into the human body by drinking this water to us. They can be divided into 2 large guys together is
.(A) caused by heavy metals (Heavy metal), which mostly go to destroy their living organ such as
toxic mercury (Mercury poisoning), causing a disease known as Naama-TA (Minamata) will cause a nerve disability paralyzed and might be deadly.
.Toxic cadmium (Cadmium poisoning) caused a disease called "kidney-kidney-Izumi" (Itai-itai) is a cadmium into the roll the bones. Will cause pain in the bones and in the? The bones are brittle and structured restaurant, go there
disease.Lead poisoning (Lead poisoning)
copper poisoning (Cupper poisoning)
zinc poisoning (Zinc poisoning)
(b) caused by a pest eradication of toxic substances (Pesticides), which may be.
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