Roku-Roku (Japan: ro ro ku shou Rokurokubi?A rokurokubi) or a story about The man is still alive, but to curse or athan. When night fell, the long neck stretched out. too often is only in women. There is behavior that is dangerous to humans. And uses its tongue to lick, to fire the lamp which the rokurokubi often are women who want to love that disappointed, because when her husband came to find that his wife is a rokurokubi often fled with fear
Many rokurokubi often are with ordinary people. But they must be suffering thonma nakap trying to. Hide the actual shape of oneself. Although rokurokubi are trying to obscure the actual drafting, but the ghosts have feeling that need to. Rokurokubi often show real sketch it out in front of them, or they are only stupid drunken
Rokurokubi have no bad habits, like other spooky tricked because the man is a whole lot to think itself can use a normal human life is sometimes so long neck symptoms come out sleeping only. And for those of you who saw the dream in a strange view
Sometimes it is referred to as decoding video alarm while sleeping, but that's the spirit, thus removing incomplete removed just the head only. To become a rokurokubi ghost. It is also possible to be with the guys again called.
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