On Earth, each person has a mother or a mother who vary. Some people may not love this woman Nevertheless, this woman also gave birth to us, whether it's more or less love. There are some children that we have helped or reward or encourage the parents to help us. Since young Because if a woman is what one would help us
, my mother is a person who helped me throughout the child grew, she often told us how to do it, but a good story is a good idea. even to help cheer us on every issue, but for me it is like. Glass of water with never a full glass is constantly looking forward to getting a good and pure from my mother always my mother did everything for me really well, I do not return anything good could be done simply. I intend to learn and obey the teachings of the woman had intended all along. In I think the future of my face nothing more serious than this part of the dreams of my is Doctor is the ultimate dream as anyone ever dreamed, but to do it as a reality that must be overcome. every obstacle that was undermining my success to my mother taught me to always say, "do not be afraid to lose if you do not try it,"
now I went through a very bad then. In the future, it must have a new problem came to life again. But I believe that we will pass on to them in the end, I promise, "I will be like a tree that is healthy and looking gorgeous shades to protect her best.
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