This study is intended to study carbon storage in biomass planted above ground. Plant scrap clay and factors that affect carbon catchment of park areas in Bangkok, which has operated in the Park 2 is lumpini Park and Suan vajira Ms.Srifa studies offer nonsi P. P. S. Champa pterocarpum littorale saman of Albizia saman and krathin Narong auriculiformis A. specially.นธุ์ wood with carbon catchment above the ground average per most. By quantity of carbon above ground in biological mass is related to the diameter, just fill and carbon catchment on earth found that carbon is lumpini Park in average soil organic catchment (25.30 ± 9.26 ha-1 t) over the garden offer Ms.Srifa vajira (9.63 ± ha-1 t 19.78) a statistical significant planting areas and of the lumphini Park with organic carbon soil at catchment average (26.76 ± 9.40 t ha-1) over the lawn (20.67 7.16 t ± ha-1) statistical significance as well. By อินทรีย objects in the Earth, as factors that affect carbon storage in soil planted in both parks as much as possible.
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