Spinach is a local vegetables found in general like weeds. Because can own in almost any soil. And the flourish in all weather, even the air dry. It also grow fast and durable. The spinach.The way to eat, we often do not eat raw, because the bitter, so most always bring to boil before. But currently, spinach, has been adapted into a menu food more delicious. A clear soup soup.Salad, or eat very popular Western menu like spinach, baked with cheese. And all the menu, but would bring the flavor, taste more delicious!
.Because spinach has many nutrients such as vitamin A helps reduce maintenance sight อาการตาบอด night in bones and teeth, lutein Zeaxanthin and carotene carotenoids reduces the risk of cataracts, acid folate Betacarotene.Help build collagen to improve skin elasticity and spinach are also high in iron and help maintain blood.
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