Objects work. Lot of the standard FAIRTRADE are
1. FAIRTRADE manufacturer? Price farmers. Do two Dai, engagement custom made answer instead of the result, the suited to nthat can
ตสิ results. Goods quiet ki at images in long-term
2.FAIRTRADE Premium to create opportunities for director director Lu ตหร. อกล,,, e d I I, cooperative Lu unit can wear down,,, e
นโครงการ to health education and creating the main utility in gold car. . things can
3.He used to dial, receive assistance and K on finance from middleman fairly
4.? In order to make the trade between producers and middlemen as stubs,. So and can produce machines, network control
.Product quality from the ตสิ Jin Ka has,
5. As a standard that the goods have been exchange FAIRTRADE is its product through the nthat, ไดร้ with the standard test. Color ตอท. I d
environment, trade and society.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..