สุดท้ายเขาถูกฝรั่งเศสจับตัวไปโดยนโปเลียนและตายในคุก ส่วน saint dominque ถูกบริหารด้วยคนดำกับคนฝรั่งเศส พวกเขาทำการปฏิวัติอีกรอบ ในปี 1803 สุดท้าย เฮติ ก็กลายเป็นประเทศ Republic black people
Finally, he was taken to France by Napoleon and died in prison, black saint dominque section managed by people with revolutionary France they make contents. In the year 1803, Haiti became the last black country people Republic.
Finally, he was taken to France by Napoleon and died in prison a saint dominque being managed by black people with French people. They made another revolution in Haiti last year, 1803, it became the Republic black people.
Finally, he was the French captured by Napoleon and die in prison, the Saint Dominque is managed by black people with France, they revolt again. In the last 1803 Haiti, became the country Republic black people.