Spirit of the cabinet. To convert the Communication Authority of Thailand. Conversion of state policies To optimize And the opportunity to compete with the private sector by the conversion. The Communications Authority of Thailand is bordered by the two companies, namely a CAT period and as a result from changes in telecommunications technology has developed rapidly. The application of information technology and computer joined the telco. Telecommunications services run by the government is trying to improve administrative efficiency, but it can not meet the needs of service users. The government has a policy of privatization (Privatization) Department of Transportation has prepared a master plan to develop the telecommunications sector in accordance with the master plan of reorganization that time. The Cabinet approved on September 1, 2541 shall comply with the country joined the WTO (World Trade Organization) to be treated. Thailand has signed the Treaty on the open market (Market. Access) and to the provision of the National (National Treatment) in the field of telecommunication accessories (Value-added Service), thus leading to the conversion of such communication. We see that The government wants to transform enterprises. The purpose is to increase the performance of enterprises, equivalent to the private sector. But because of the continuity of operations. Protect the interests of the state Control the use of legal authority as to the accuracy. And to contribute to the important part. The unavailability of public policy in the code as it is always said that. Thus maintaining state power And empower them to companies that have the status of the Company, Ltd., the government should take action. And establishing governance structures
Post There is a regulatory agency, but the current government is still not implemented in it. When compared with other countries The development of the regulatory system to get ahead. It was not appropriate to use the power of corporations. An organization in a private company, but the state still has the power to come. And benefit from the power of those states. The private company Competitors are It is considered to be appropriate to the company's operations. Despite coming from the idea that there must be a unit that is responsible for the postal service with the Company's status as a state agency. In the basic services would follow. States require tools to provide public services to the general public is a basic right. According to the Universal Postal Convention has set the member countries to provide basic public services address the adequate quality and thoroughness of the price that ordinary people can use the service. As a function of the postal service. Which is mainly based on public services, such services may suffer a loss. And without any private operator to operate this type. Which countries have the same cause, so to ensure the company's continued existence is not. And can compete with the private sector. These agencies May be compensated in other ways, such as determining the law or the establishment of a fund to support basic services where possible to address the public interest with the objective to provide working capital to support the Postal Service. basis for public benefit It is an opportunity And engage with other agencies to provide these basic services. The government need not establish rules. Or law to provide any privileged or predominance. But people still get basic services throughout the day. Built-in
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