It is said that if we laugh once a day will make a good mood throughout the day. If more than one time, good health is a laughing throughout the year. Laughter from inside the mind affects the health and medicine with great charity buy your mind just enjoy what's happening, looking the good side of life and is happy with the current, then will know just how valuable a laugh. Laughter keeps cool when we feel sad, angry, and depressed. Laughter helps to liberate these emotions. Because the body will secrete substances Ender fin or happiness hormone released research from the Center for alternative medicine of the University of California found that people who like to think of the jokes in the level of anger is reduced by 19 percent, and depression in the body are reduced by 51 percent, but if these people have watched a movie or video, funny the level of anger is reduced to 98 percent when the mood is not good. Imagine the laugh it into, and then everything will be good. Laughter helps make skin beautiful. If the knowledge. We don't need to rely on expensive cosmetics anymore. Dr. Dan Catalano area author of Laugh for No Reason that guaranteed a laugh is a cosmetic that woman does not have to spend money, because every time the laugh muscles on your face to make a compacting proportion and blood circulation in the body, in effect making the skin refreshed and up. Laughter helps to replenish your life. A married couple that does not have a smile, never tell a joke, or not even hug the neck, laughing together. Lack of taste of happiness there, but share sorrows. Laughter is thus comparable to the disclosure by the other party feeling one can perceive and experience. Laughter helps strengthen the heart When we laugh at blood vessels to expand and make the blood flow to various parts of the body if a long laugh. There is a 10-minute walk will help reduce your blood pressure, prevents heart disease. Your body is oxygen to the heart muscle to more reduce the risk of vascular disease, heart blockage symptoms for those who have had a heart disease before. Recommend laugh once a day for 30 minutes, a guarantee that they will not repeat the two recurrent heart disease. เสียงหัวเราะช่วยบริหารปอด การหัวเราะช่วยบริหารให้ปอดแข็งแรงและเป็นผลดีสำหรับผู้ที่เป็นโรคภูมิแพ้หรือหอบหืด ทุกคนที่คนหัวเราะจะช่วยนำพาออกซิเจนเข้าสู่ร่างกายมากขึ้นซึ่งจะช่วยฟอกเลือดและกระตุ้นให้อวัยวะภายในร่างกายทำงานได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ เสียงหัวเราะช่วยลดความเจ็บปวด สารเอนเดอร์ฟินที่หลั่งออกมาในเวลาหัวเราะเปรียบเสมือนยาแก้ปวดที่ร่างกายผลิตได้เองตามธรรมชาติ จากบทความในนิตยสาร Journal of Holistic Nursing บอกว่า การหัวเราะจะทำให้เราลืมความรู้สึกเจ็บปวด คนไข้ที่ได้ฟังเรื่องตลกหลังจากการผ่าตัดจะรู้สึกเจ็บแผลน้อยกว่าคนที่ไม่ได้ฟัง Laughter helps body The laugh compared to aerobic type exercise because when oxygen is inhaled into laughter than usual. Stimulates your heart and blood circulation. Some people call the laugh that is the internal organs of the Administration is the aerobics if compared, then one minute of laughter is like exercising with rowing machine in 10 minutes or cycling in 15 minutes and if laugh through the one hour will burn up to 500 calories. A laugh is not a nonsense should find opportunities to laugh, don't wait for others to create a laugh, because otherwise we may not be able to get a laugh every day.1. see the comedy in the evening on the couch, casual.2. reading jokes3. play with your dog at the House that I have to laugh, for sure.4. a night out with a group of girlfriends.5. all escorting children to see the movie kids and see their reactions while watching the movie.
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