Brunei 's official name: Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam) Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan (Bandar Seri Begawan) religion: Islam is the national flower flower sim Spore (Simpor) flowers SIM spores. 1 Brunei Dollar banknotes has been listed on the National Day: February 23 date is a member of ASEAN: January 7, 2527, the national language: Malay (Bahasa Melaysia) official languages: Malay (Bahasa Melaysia) characteristics. Geography Brunei has an area of about 5765 square kilometers. Located to the northeast. Borneo In the South China Sea "terrain" includes two non-adjacent areas. The area to the west with a population of 97% of the area to the east, the mountain. With a population of just 10,000 people for the northern coastal areas of Brunei. The South China Sea The remaining land borders are surrounded by Sarawak Malaysia "climate" tropical climates. Temperature and high humidity And with rain throughout the year, the population has a population of about 401,890 people, mostly ethnic Malay, followed by the Chinese and the native political rule by absolute monarchy. The monarch is the Head of State, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. King of Brunei Brunei Malay must be a Muslim by birth and Sunni. For political parties is very limited role. Brunei is currently subdivided into four zones Brunei - Moa Arabella Tutong District and modulating stem integration of economies and key resources , Brunei is a rich country. Because oil producer is the 3rd largest in the region and produces natural gas LNG is the world's 4th largest export is crude oil and natural gas also Brunei also have food Halal production standards are. according to the commandments of Islam Brunei is currently developing a diverse economic structure. By promoting the role of business and industry. Including the liberalization of trade records * in the 14-16 century, Brunei has the authority and reputation of the trade. And occupied most of the territory in Borneo and Sulawesi islands, part of the group * Later on, Spanish and Dutch radiated power into Southeast Asia. Brunei lost land and power loss down * In 2449, Brunei has signed a protectorate treaty consent of England. Fearing to lose territory. And shortly thereafter, Brunei is exploring oil and gas sector in Riau. Brunei is a country that has made wealthy Borneo * In 2505, the People's Party has won the elections overwhelmingly. But was denying the government. It is an attempt to seize control of the Sultan, but was unsuccessful. Sultan's government declared martial law The announcement renewed every two years up to the present * Brunei gained independence on January 1, 2527, mainly under the protectorate of Britain for 95 years.
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