The universe of the story.Hogwarts magical place in the world.In the novel the story of Harry Potter's world as a Warlock and a witch who live together with the world of people in a parallel manner. In General, whether they are called humans is often legal or man devoid of magic. Warlock is a territory of the world that are connected to the world of Google, are typically things like walls, is what separates the two worlds khetrawang edges. Warlock can.. through the barrier between the worlds is often snorkeling in the world, such as the Warlock through stalls of three scrap sections connects nine four. They often Google will not be able to see the stalls between two worlds, or it may be seen, but they are seen as an obstacle, or of only. Often, there is no legal way into the world of Warlock, even if any way, but there are exceptions with some powerful Google often magical like hoemai Oh here is some places, but it's not a barrier between the two worlds. They are usually legal to walk into the world of Warlock. There are those who do, often found their magical creatures who live according to the place where there is no barrier zone.
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