Nowadays, the problem of drugs is increasing.The problem may come from a variety of causes, for example, the problem of family, education, society, or the environment.When the problem will not consult a family or an adult. Because adults will understand that problem. Therefore consult friends.However, friends are the main causes that persuaded to try drugs.By the start of drug use, starting from cigarettes, alcohol, and lead to serious drug types increase.In this essay, I will talk about the meaning of the drugs, the blame of the drug and the ways to solve the problems of drugs.The drug is any substance that occur naturally or substances synthesized when entering the body.Eat, smell, smoke, or other methods. Injection causes to body and mind. It will also cause the addictive substance use that if daily or several times a day.Drugs can affect the body and mind, causes the body to worsen. Drugs destroy the nervous system and brain. His brain slowly. The function of the system in the wrong body mood swings, control feeling.
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