The benefits of playing table tennis.Table tennis is a sport that is easy to play, so play them all ages. The devices are cheap, or may use other things, adapted as the playback device, such as using a table or wooden flooring. Cement floor Board instead of using table or hardcover books instead of racket, etc. It's easy to find location, such as the same as any place in which there is a wide enough area. There is light enough, and there's no wind, it held a table tennis player. In addition, table tennis is a sport that is also fun to play on. Even as a simple playback. No need to use the craft any more, but in fact this sport requires technique and tactic of playing. So it is fun and exciting for sports players and administrators are played table tennis a lot, but most players might not see the benefits of this type of sports, in addition to the fun, enjoy it. In fact, this sport has many benefits which conclude briefly as follows.1. the benefits to the body.Sports players benefit from physical exercise. Table tennis, it's the same as any other type of sport that makes players exercise from playing, but an exercise in playing table tennis, it looks special than other types of sport is playing table tennis then. The players have to exercise regularly over a period of time to play and be a light workout, but do to the number of times players misunderstand when table tennis exercise in a manner conducive to gradually and does not occur until fatigue shortness or range is wind. Page is dark like in the certain kinds of sports like weight lifting. Soccer is a sport that, while these for some time, it must work out a lot. For some time, at least not regularly exercise, etc.Exercise by playing table tennis will make the limbs, torso and other parts of the body must get moving regularly throughout play. Make the body gets a workout every part adequately. As a result, healthy energetic not hurt sick easy. Another benefit from this exercise by playing table tennis, it is the practice, the eyes and the body has the agility to play table tennis, because it required that different parts of the body to move expeditiously, by coordinating with the nimble with the eyes. The eyes and agile body, this Can be applied in everyday life, such as maneuvering a dangerous fluency in functioning, etc.As for the dangers to get from playing table tennis is that there are very few, or almost no, because it is a sport that does not have a physical clash between the opponents and even though it is played in pairs by category, if players are practicing together. A chance to collide in a pair, which is on the same side, it will occur is difficult.2. the psychological and emotional benefits.To play table tennis, good then. Part of a sane, good. Have confidence in yourself and concentrate better and, in practice, it requires patience and willingness, so for players or those practicing this sport so frequently is the practice, conscious self. Have confidence in yourself. Concentrate better and as people have the patience and all of these features are beneficial to us both ends. In everyday use. In addition, this sport still need training yourself to endure bad ngasing that arise from being tempted by some rage. That is, sometimes the player hitting the ball missed by birth can't afford or to incite fury of the opponent or the moderator, it's good. If a player shows bad manners as well as remove wooden table tennis throw throw. Remove the wood smashed table tennis etc. crunch He went on to receive a reprimand from a friend of the flock to which it is a habit that they recognize the emotional fury, which suspended. When the player has emotions, such as this. He will have patience. Do not show the bad manners comes out. When practicing like this frequently, it will become more conversant in starvation there, smothering wrath. Even in other events in everyday life, he was able to restrain in a rage as well and easily.3. social benefitsPlay table tennis with this although there are only 2 players in person, it is sufficient, but generally, while the couple were playing table tennis will have many other people waiting to play, such as playing in the event that the person who hit the loser, the new ones are the next ones into a hit instead of a tree, or a player who intends to play seriously, it should release members of clubs or associations making the players the opportunity to get to know people and solidarity, unity among the players. In addition to playing table tennis, then each player must also comply with regulations. Rules and regulations laid down and to respect the rights of those came before or after the. In the play, therefore, to practice self discipline, as people respect the rights of others. Causing considerate as athletes, which in everyday life. If everyone is someone with discipline and respect other people's rights, respect for social laws, it will be organized, and finally, play table tennis, considered the use of free time, is useful. Do not let the time available to it without doing anything or put your spare time to vices, or temptation, such as night drunk gambling, etc., which all pose yourself. The family and the nation both ends
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