It will be the team keep rhythmic tapping of bamboo and will sing her ramen with the other, it is going to stand a siege tank and roof view, singing her ramen. Old people are elderly people waiting to get into the spirits the spirits down to the officers he was impressed with Mrs. Dong. Mrs. ramen or not to view the users he captured kradong kradong started shaking, said he was impressed with the people see people beginning to cheer, to accelerate the rhythm of singing, the faster it will fit into different band finishes to stampede out of the area because they fear being hit. One night, they will play each other for about 2 hours, depending on who it was, or if there is less travel and shape depending on the player and see if it plays the same polite? If you play bad, it's good to not resign immediately, and will play each other each other till 3 days old, and people still say that decent people that will shape the faint-hearted. Young minds to be spherical.
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