3. use of hazardous products3.1 using hazardous products to be used according to the instructions, or refer to the instruction of the Department of agriculture. The Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives, or follow the instructions on the label that is registered with the Department of agriculture to stop using hazardous products before harvest according to the interval specified in the label directed the use of hazardous products of each type, or according to the instructions of the Government if there is evidence or grounds should be suspected of having consumed dangerous way.Agriculture does not meet the recommended analysis of pesticide residues in the product by the laboratory of the Government or a laboratory quality system certified to analyze toxic residues, and store the results as evidence.Case analysis of toxic residue results have a maximum residual quantities exceed the standard values or the relevant law to determine the cause of the problem. And working to correct or prevent a recurrence, including a record of such information.3.2 prohibited uses or is in possession of the banned hazardous agricultural production, import, export or possession of a hazardous Act 2535 (1992) and original amendments.3.3 in case of manufacturing for export. Do not use in hazardous agricultural trading partners, do not use or to be used as the definition of the partner countries.3.4 selecting a spray chemicals and equipment, as well as how to spray chemicals that are correct. By spraying chemicals, check in with that works efficiently.3.5 use no hazardous products, rather than a mixture of the two, unless it is the advice of the relevant Government or academic certificate contains data.3.6 using integrated pest management where appropriate to reduce the use of hazardous products.3.7 hazardous agriculture still remains in the container that is not in the same time, close to and in hazardous locations ... If there is a change taking the container must provide the information,Completely incorrect.3.8 for storing various types of hazardous agricultural proportion in specific locations to prevent the contamination of each type and the control of use. Not cause contamination to the product and the danger to the person.3.9 other chemicals stored fuel. Cleaning Other substances that are not used, as the proportion of agriculture in order to prevent contamination to the product and the environment.3.10 air cleaner spray chemicals and equipment after every use, and eliminate the water clear by the way does not cause contamination to the environment.3.11 the container hazardous products used, must destroy in order to prevent recycled or dispose in the correct way.3.12 the container hazardous agriculture deterioration or expiration must be stored in a specific location and destroyed to prevent recycled or dispose in the correct way.3.13, or the list of hazardous products that are stored in the location.3.14 the worker and/or supervisor must have a knowledge of the use of hazardous products that are correct. You must know the types and rate of pest using hazardous products. The extruding machine and related equipment3.15 the worker must have a knowledge and understanding of self protection from hazardous products and first aid.3.16. hazardous agricultural users must wear clothing, mitchit. There is a mask or protective equipment toxic substances including cloth nose. Gloves, hats and wear shoes to protect them from the dangers of toxins.
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