You should head love bearing power of lecturer, Department of physics, Faculty of science, University of technology Thonburi (liberal arts) gives advice about it. Eating food with a mixture of liquid nitrogen. The important thing is to wait for the smoke of the liquid nitrogen evaporation out. In general, the liquid nitrogen is used for food, no danger, because will evaporate all current popular used in food preservation. But used with foods that need to look at the purity of liquid nitrogen at stores that buy used. Because there are many several quality price. Liquid nitrogen is 99.99% is a high price and no impurities, but if a liquid nitrogen 98% may be contaminated, otherwise don't know harmful included.Besides, you should head also warned vendors and consumers snacks in such a manner in 2 artisan is direct contact with liquid nitrogen, while still liquid. And inhalation of nitrogen that if nitrogen come in contact with the skin or tissue within the อวัยวะต่างๆ. In a state that is liquid. What happened is to make the skin burn, similar to the hand to place on the hot pan Liquid nitrogen if touching the skin. Or eat in large amounts. In a state that is liquid, liquid nitrogen can evaporate disappear in an instant to come toward's the skin, called NitrogenBurn. Or burning of liquid nitrogen.
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