.The management system meeting electronics developed for teachers and staff, Faculty of Technology University of technology. Chanthaburi. It aims 1)..Faculty of social, Rajamangala University of technology tawan-ok 2) to investigate the satisfaction of the user management system for electronic meeting Faculty of social.Chanthaburi. The developed management system electronics with language, PHP invitationMySQL working process of the system consists of the main 4 1. The meeting the ระบุหัวข้อ content for the meeting. Enter the list of attendees. The report documents signed for participants 2.Agent information By monitoring the use of equipment for the meeting. Check list of the meeting room. Check room reservation. The book 3 equipment via email.Participants can accept or reject with a specific reason for not attending the meeting. Check the information for the meeting via email 4.The system can display the calendar Applications Conference Check the room reservation. To prevent the book redundant. Reminds participants in advance through the system, and email. The evaluation of satisfaction from the teacher.Working during the academic year 2557 Faculty of social. Rajamangala University of technology tawan-ok, number of 40 people
.Key words: management meeting, web applications, electronic
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