With information technology.At present, we begin to recognize familiar with WTO and the modern (Modern Organization) information technology applications, meaning they have the structure and operation characteristics that differ from the original organization (Traditional Organization) explicitly. For example, the -Communication and the flow of information through networking (Networking System), creating a convenient, fast, accurate and simple to make work organisation can reduce the number of jobs and some formatting operations to have a flat structure (Flat Structure). -Effective information systems help reduce hierarchy in management (Management Hierarchy) and make the control wider (Wider Span of Control), which promotes the right to submit communications to the viewport, and. Using human resources with maximum efficiency, -The system of modern telecommunications. Make a person can work on (Remotely Connection), which will reduce the communication thus requires direct confrontation of trust (Trust) personnel, as well as with the organization between the need to provide power to. Decision (Empowerment) to more personnel. -The application of information technology in the Organization of personnel resulted in increased quality in both the private and the potential of the information that he received from, which makes the operation and responds to external stimuli. Perform fast and accurate. The application of information technology, t-effect device be used Organization Office and the loss of fewer resources, such as the Office does not use paper (Paperless Office), etc. The benefits of the information technology Department is as follows: 1. the WTO introduced regular direct benefits information technology used. Because of the direct benefit received from the information systems, such as routine accounting and finance. For word processing (Word processing) or database (Database) by investing in information systems are based on the price of the device. A set of instructions specific to the personnel, payroll, and leading information system application. Used in this manner will cause the. Learning organization and understand the benefits that result from continuous technology.2. flexible. Information technology helps to create flexibility in the Organization's operations, as a result, the WTO can develop and modify them as appropriate for your situation and technology. Information technology also enhances flexibility In the decision, executives can make decisions quickly and in accordance with the characteristics issue because information systems can be processed and arrange data in multiple. The internal format, so short period of time, understanding, and management is able to analyze the problem clearly.3. the ability to compete. In addition to the direct benefits, as Information technology is adapted so that the organization can meet the needs of customers and development both internally and externally. Organization faster than competitors, which helps to preserve and maintain, strengthen the competitiveness of the business.4. information technology help increase revenue income both directly and indirectly, by the Organization, such as the gathering and providing information and services useful to another organization. Innovation in both products and services, especially Products or services that are convenient, quick, direct to customer requirements or reducing the period of operation, etc.5. expenses. Key benefits of the application of information technology in the current operation is to reduce the costs and increase the efficiency of operations within the Organization, such as the estimate. Data monitoring and control labor costs by information technology will help promote efficient use of labour resources and redundant saving organization.6. quality of information technology was applied in the development of the quality of products and services to provide the service or production systems can be operated according to the need, as well as products and services has been defined, such as production quality inspection system within the plant room temperature control and monitoring system of quality of agricultural products, etc.7. the opportunity to present the advantage that information technology has created differences between the WTO WTO information technology aspects of high-potential enterprises can apply the knowledge to create chances in their application in operations directly, such as bringing information technology applications, and strategic information technology such as the use of indirect development entrepreneur business innovation. 10.4 application of information technology to the strategy. Information technology makes the environment changes rapidly. Business operations are more complex. The WTO must be aligned for clear guidelines. Which makes the strategic management become critical factors in successful business operations as King (1978), "said the strategic planning system is a system of. Manage the strategic decisions taken in a systematic way. By relying on information technology within the scope of WTO and environmental management ", which suggests that information technology has become a critical resource in the strategic operations of the Organization. Information technology has a major role to the business sector more than collect data processing and preparation of reports for submission to the Executive, which is challenging the Executive's ability to be an information technology application to suit your business because the work down.High information costs does not mean that the Organization will be able to create a competition advantage. Always investing in information technology to achieve are not always smooth. ICT applications might create an impact on the personnel, organization and operation, such as some work is outdated. Some people can not adapt immediately or the unbalanced use of information technology in the Organization make operating costs high, etc. Moreover,
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