The impact on economic stability inside - outside the
.Internal stability. The inflation rate higher impact factors through 2 is oil (Cost Push Factors) and interest rate (Demand Pull Factors).Return of capital considering from the interest rate so as to reduce the interest rate the Fed already down and is expected to fall another that makes us interest rate lower than inflation ดังนั้นอาจ make capital flows in.Also in more and more as sub-prime problem will make the current account balance exports less because will make the U.S. economy, and the other partner country of slow down exports in มีแนวโน้มชะลอตัว down is also forecast that byMake exports will expand, particularly 10 drops this year from the previous year. 192550 besides capital flows into more Thai to Walker, appreciating the export has been difficult but will make import more however expect those policy will reduce the interest rate policy to maintain economic stability.The image stability of the input and output is not affected by the much talked about the account balance and walking on the total capital account balance, then it can be seen that the capital account balance tends to balance more while balancing current account surplus likely decrease.Effect of sub prime on both accounts, thus offsetting each other makes does not affect the balance of payments and reserve between countries.
.External stability.
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