PrehistoryIn Malaysia, there are rarely present evidence to show greatness in the past, like many other countries in Southeast Asia, Cambodia has Angkor Indonesia with Frist boutique tour. Archaeological evidence of the oldest found in: Yu Man Serena hamo-PIA In Sarawak State, ya!! At the stone tools found in the Kota tam Pro. Pre State. The evidence indicates that early humans in this area is a hunting and a strange plant of the Middle Stone age. Stone grinding and cutting tools used to hunt wild animals, 2 c.500 years before Christ; There is a new stone age people migrated from southern China arrived to this area, and with State-of-the-art tool than know how to cultivate. After that, about 300 years before Christ era, with a team era of iron and bronze age. Use of the weapon known as the prophecy trading came as they were relegated to the deep forest.
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