There is a rectangular flag 1 wide and 2 long at the beginning of the flag is a white triangle in the sun with a RADIUS figure 8 Phillips Phillips framed with five star 3 lights in accordance with these corner of a triangle shaped gold.half blue half on the floor below the floor, red if the bar, two-color, switch position, the red bar on the blue bar at the bottom is in a state of war, Philippines.- The Blue means peace truth and justice
- the floor, red means patriotism and values
- figure eight Phillips means the sun has a RADIUS of eight provinces, including the province of Cuba, a toffee, Bul, province, country,The วิเต province, province, Laguna, Manila province, province of diminuendo , เอคิ medicine, State/Province, and the province was banged ปัม Qatar good auspices, trying to claim independence from Spain
- three star lights means means the geographic area of the country can be divided into 3 major islands, which include: Zambia Lusaka, Island, Ugandan troops sped and the islands annual celebration of the paradisiacal
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