Lady Chai founded Holy RADIUS Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. HR policy of the cp all The company has strategic plans to generate sustainable growth and profit. Creative goods and services that add value to the customer and society. Through the work that focuses on quality and agility to the Organization, including support for cultural learning and development of employees with corporate philosophy. Vision and mission These include the power head to quality management throughout the organization. "Corporate philosophy"We desire a smile from a customer with a team that's happy." Vision"We provide the convenience to all communities." Mission."Engagement with customers with innovative products and services, along with creating a relationship with the community and society." HR policy is honorably, are required to make the team happy. The team wanted to come to work on Monday because it is not afraid of fun at work. No stress. Good colleagues, executives, it is in your own thinking together. Everyone loves to love love love the future customers work organization of the enterprise ". To promote and encourage the study, coupled with the work to promote higher education, including a higher duty. Supervision on the mouth, stomach, and everyday spending, etc., can be seen from the undeniably that the wen can reduce shoplifting, employee just 0.3% when compared to the average standard of 1%, which is very rare.To create the culture of the Organization, consistent with the behavior of people in organizations in which a stake that need to go down gradually to reduce the problem. For example, a shared value that there are 7 things that everyone wishes include a generous pledge of unity in speaking obstacle to respect others. Admire the beauty of the life or integrity of leadership is required to have 11: be sincere, not feudal. Use power words do piya is a good example that justice, mercy and assist society in decision-making are cultivating a heart wide open, etc.Employee rights: employees of a company regarded as a particularly valuable resource and heart that will contribute to a successful business, as the target. Thus, the basic rights of employees as follows: Enhance your knowledge of our employees on a continuous and consistent. Structure and position, with the path of progress in our work. The right to employment issues, such as fairness allowed leave the transfer and provide a communication channel between employees with high level executives to understand the issue and listen to comments from the employees directly. The welfare needs of employees, i.e. employee medical and health insurance, life insurance and a family employee. Provident Fund The cumulative share for employee projects (Joint Investment Program-Employee EJIP) providing scholarships to employees and employee welfare, the sons lent a patient case in project loans to housing and give priority to staff security by organizing fire drills. Provide disaster protection. Security events Continue reading at: .....(Ngowtummatat, 2014)(CP All, 2016)(Pungrampan, 2010)Leading teams by10/02 Communicating expectations and requirement unequivocallyCommunicate expectations and needs clearly.Communication (Communication) is considered to be the key to another management. If there is no communication. To order Goons to work with any success would be difficult. Imagine if that SIM control Goons at work without speaking, listening, reading, writing, and then it will come out? Most of the executives, some people prefer a one-way communication is made to order Goons like over there. Made here. There is no query requests and moderate comments, which may be used in certain circumstances, but certain situations, two-way communication that is essential in the era of globalization, because communication 2. Requires skill and workmanship of the head is very much on the bosses in the organization.Good communication, which is at the heart of his control and reduce conflict between the minion to minion, or between the supervisor must have both spoken and there is a way how to get noticed is to understand clearly what his needs and feelings hidden within. If communication is not good, everything is worse. , Which provides the opportunity to access his talk on the issue, telling that he suffered. Using the open door policy to listen to (the Open door Policy) must be strong, generous to the minions will say put all emotions or emotional, such as not using his editing tells how it works. The resignation of minions. The head of the Organization's problems, issues, etc., do not think that there is no sound to complain is to work at a time which is not a problem when it comes to problems, it's too late to fix, including may not receive cooperation from minion to fix the problem together. On the other hand, faced with the problem singly. The men work as it it is very easy, but this one, that will make the minions have confidence to dare to speak, dare to comment that good is considered to be very difficult. Supervisors must be a good listener, not just scientists, but it is an good rhetoric only. But good communication, not just to speak but also to show off with a gesture. The sound of water, which faces the benefit of the students listening to a supervisor that the Organization will also receive enormous already. Also as creative in all aspects to make the work of the Organization and its personnel have a more. All competitiveness, fight another business organization, and don't forget to communicate to everyone in the organization is that the Organization of awareness, everyone. Entry of supervisors or managers, executives, either one.
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