To grow
Planting lettuce khaosamarot done 2 ways: the cultivation of the brave, and then moved to plant vegetables that are suited to phase in which the seeds are sown with the expensive to transform, which is used with white cabbage and lettuce, white plain, where the seeds are cheap
1. The seed sown saplings grow into saplings to plant conversions, then sprinkled with soil to mix compost or fertilizer, 1 cm thick COC. Covered with straw or dry grass, watering, watering, cold morning when the young age of 15-20 days, it moved to the converted land preparation, planting, planting in good distances from 30-35 cm should be willing to put in the evening
2. How to sow a conversion plant Use the seeds sown into the converted compost or fertilizer, sprinkled with a thick COC 1 cm with straw or dry grass, watering, cold morning watering phokkla age 15-20 days to withdraw the split, each carrying 30-35 cm.
twice a day watering, lack of water. White lettuce should receive sunlight throughout the day. Place compost or fertilizer after uninstalling and every 10 days until harvest age.
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