Bilateral carotid-femoral artery (cf) pulse wave velocity (PWV) and arm stent (ba)PWV employee artery position.<br>This is inconsistent with the path of blood flow. Few's previous research has different characteristics.<br>Cf PWV and baPWV simultaneously compare these results with those of pure center (aorta) and periphery.<br>(leg) arterial embolism, i. E. healthy population center-share (hf)PWV and share-share (fa)PWV. We like<br>Determine the degree to which these commonly used cf PWV and baPWV measurements are related to hf PWV and fa PWV,<br>Respectively, and evaluate whether the two kinds of cf PWV and baPW V are consistent with hf PWV or fa PWV.<br>Association with cardiovascular (CV) risk factors
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